
My name is Ceallai and this is my writing blog.

I'm a writer, in the sense that I write fiction. I'm not a published writer yet,  for that to happen I'd have to have finished the final draft of something, and so far I'm trying to get my head round the idea of going over the first draft all over again and changing it all. The idea is so daunting that for the past five months I've more or less stopped writing altogether. Having gotten to the point where my Muse is screaming in frustration at me and throwing random ideas at the walls of my skull to attract my attention, I've decided that while I'm waiting for Revising A Novel to sound possible, I should just start writing again before I go crazy. Nothing serious - wouldn't want to put the pressure on - just little scenes and paragraphs here and there, bits of description, character profiles; in short, "fictionlets". Little baby morcels of fiction in tiny, bitesize pieces.

Putting it in a blog gives me an incentive to do this every day. The idea that people are expecting me to write something (even if they aren't) is a lot more motivating that just saying "it'll do you good" to my inner sleepyhead.

So here, for your entertainment, is what happens when I'm given the freedom to write as much or as little as I want, once a day, with no other aim that to blog it.


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